Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Coca Cola terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan di tengah Isu Kesehatan (Studi kasus pada Konsumsen Coca Cola di Rancaekek Bandung)

oleh : Janita S. Meliala, S.E.,M.M. & Amonggiri Argo Sembodo, S.E.

(Publikasi pada : Proceeding Seminar Nasional Akuntansi - Bisnis (SNAB) 2012, 27 Maret 2012, ISSN : 2252-3936)

High quality products can influence consumers to make repeat purchases, and even make consumers become loyal to that product. Coca-Cola as the soft drinks is thought to contain alcohol, calories and excess sugar, artificial sugar is not good for health. These issues are considered to damage the quality of the products of Coca-Cola and can affect consumer loyalty. The findings of this research showed that the responses regarding the quality of Coca-Cola products are fairly good, judging from the overall average value of 3.21. Levels of consumer loyalty in the Coca-Cola Rancaekek are fairly good, can be seen from the average value of 3.20. Influence the quality of the product to the consumer loyalty Coca-Cola soft drinks based on the calculation of Spearman rank correlation, rs value of 0.827 is obtained so that the relationship between the qualities of products with consumer loyalty can be said to be very strong. The magnitude of the effect of product quality to customer loyalty products Coca-Cola soft drink is equal to 68.39% and the remaining 31.61% influenced by other factors is not examined by the researcher.
Key words: health issues, product quality, customer loyalty

1.1. Latar Belakang
Saat ini konsumsi minuman ringan dan popularitas mereka di seluruh dunia, disalahkan sebagai penyumbang utama epidemi obesitas global. Gulamanis minuman ringan telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai masalah kesehatan, seperti obesitas dan diabetes tipe-2. Kalori dari minuman ringan sering disebut sebagai ”kalori kosong” karena nilai mereka yang sangat rendah gizi.
Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), pada tahun 2008, 1,5 miliar orang dewasa, usia diatas 20 thn, kelebihan berat badan. Dan diperkirakan pada tahun 2015, hampir 2,3 miliar orang dewasa akan kelebihan berat badan, dan 700 juta akan obesitas. Seiring dengan meningkatnya pendidikan masyarakat maka semakin meningkat kesadaran konsumen akan pengaruh kesehatan pada makanan dan minuman. Sehingga konsumen lebih selektif dalam memilih makanan dan
PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia merupakan salah satu . . . . .

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions

A Study on Consumer Behavior of Car Insurance Consumers in Melbourne, Australia
Oleh : Wahyuningsih & Djayani Nurdin
(Publikasi pada : Integritas - Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, Vol. 3 No. 1. April - Juli 2010)

It has often been argued that customer satisfaction can contribute significantly to a company’s success in a variety of ways. This research aims to investigate the effect of customer satisfaction on behavioural intentions. Two determinants of behavioral intentions examined in this study namely repurchase intentions and positive word-of-mouth communication. The model has been tested using surveyed data from 546 car insurance consumers in Melbourne, Australia. The empirical results of this study show that the higher the level of satisfaction, the higher the consumer’s intentions to repurchase and inform positive information about the purchased product and company to other people. This means that the more satisfied the consumers the more likely they are to repurchase car insurance from the same company and more likely to do positive word-of-mouth communication. Thus, behavioral intentions expressed by consumers depend on their levels of satisfaction. Hence, the company might maintain their existing customers and attract new consumers to achieve better financial performance.
Discussion and managerial implications are provided based on research results.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, behavioral intentions, repurchase intentions, word of mouth communication

Banyak kalangan berargumen bahwa kepuasan pelanggan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap keberhasilan perusahaan dengan berbagai cara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap intensi dalam berperilaku di kemudian hari. Dua determinan dari intensi berperilaku yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah intensi untuk melakukan pembelian ulang dan komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut (getok tular). Model studi ini telah diuji menggunakan data survei dari 546 pelanggan asuransi mobil di Melbourne, Australia. Hasil empiris dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat kepuasan konsumen, maka semakin tinggi juga keinginannya untuk melakukan pembelian ulang dan menginformasikan hal-hal yang positif kepada orang lain. Hal ini berarti bahwa semakin puas seorang konsumen, maka ia akan cenderung untuk melanjutkan membeli produk asuransi dari perusahaan yang sama dan melakukan getok tular yang positif. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa intensi konsumen dalam berperilaku di kemudian hari akan sangat tergantung dari tingkat kepuasannya. Dengan demikian, perusahaan akan dapat menjaga pelanggan yang sudah ada saat ini dan dapat menarik konsumen baru untuk mencapai kinerja keuangan yang lebih baik. Pembahasan dan rekomendasi untuk para manajer akan diuraikan berdasarkan hasil penelitian.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, behavioral intentions, repurchase intentions, word of mouth communication

There have been extensive researches in customer satisfaction for many years. Customer satisfaction has been considered by companies as a key strategic to company’s success, long-term competitiveness (Law, Hui, and Zhao, 2004; Woodruff and Gardial, 1996) and a central construct in marketing research (Luo and Homburg, 2007). This increasing concern has mainly been due to intense competition, particularly in service industries, and the current focus on the relationship between consumers and organizations, which is the core of relational marketing approach (Bodet, 2008).
Many companies spend as much as half of their research budget on measuring customer satisfaction (Wilson, 2002), since customer satisfaction studies provides several advantages for companies. A satisfied consumer is more likely to stay with the same company (Turk and Avcilar, 2009; Anderson and Fornell, 1994) and involve in a positive word-of-mouth communication (Jones and Suh, 2000). In line with these premises, this study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and two behavioral intentions: repurchase intention and intention to do word-of mouth communication . . . . .(baca_selengkapnya)

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Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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